Basic Reskin

Change ApplicationId

To change the applicationId in an Android Studio project (the unique identifier for your app used on the Google Play Store), follow these steps:

Steps to Change the applicationId

  1. Open Android Studio

    • Launch your Android Studio and open the project where you want to change the applicationId.
  2. Navigate to the build.gradle (Module: app) File

    • In the left-hand Project pane, expand the Gradle Scripts section.
    • Find and open the file named build.gradle (Module: app).
  3. Locate the applicationId

    • In the build.gradle (Module: app) file, locate the following block under the android section (ex. com.example.yourapp):
  4. Change the applicationId

    • Modify the applicationId to your desired new identifier. For example:
    • Make sure the new applicationId is unique and follows the standard reverse domain name format (e.g., com.newname.appname).
  5. Sync the Project

    • After changing the applicationId, click Sync Now in the top-right corner of Android Studio to sync your project with the new applicationId.
  6. Rebuild the Project

    • Go to Build > Rebuild Project to ensure the project is rebuilt with the new applicationId.

Testing Your Changes

  • After syncing and rebuilding, run the app on a physical device or emulator to verify that it runs correctly with the new applicationId.

Important Notes

  • Changing the applicationId does not affect your package structure in the code. It only changes the unique identifier used for deployment and distribution.
  • If you have already published your app on the Google Play Store, do not change the applicationId, as it will be recognized as a new app.

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