Pinterest Url Image Scrapper X Solodroid Wallpaper Json

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Pinterest Url Image Scrapper merupakan tool untuk melakukan scrapper url image secara cepat dan otomatis hingga langsung menjadi file .json sebagai penunjang/pelengkap dari Solodroid: Wallpaper Json agar anda bisa menghemat tanpa membutuhkan hosting untuk menyimpan file-file gambarnya, melainkan langsung mengambil url dari Pinterest.


Pinterest Url Image Scrapper is a tool to scrapper image urls quickly and automatically so that it directly becomes a .json file as a support/complement of Solodroid: Wallpaper Json so you can save without having to require hosting to save the image files, but directly take url from Pinterest.

Technology Use:

  • Python
  • Json Format
  • Google Chrome
  • Sublime Text/Notepad++
  • Geckodriver
  • CMD


  • Search by keywoard
  • Search by link pin Pinterest
  • No Need to Login

Support Files:

  • Json



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SKU G261Z15N1H7
Technology Py, Exe, Zip
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