Basic Reskin

Change Icon

To change the app icon in Android Studio, follow these steps:

1. Prepare Your Icon

  • Format: Your icon should be in PNG format with a transparent background.
  • Size: You will need multiple versions of your icon in different resolutions (for different screen densities: mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi):
    • mdpi (48x48 pixels)
    • hdpi (72x72 pixels)
    • xhdpi (96x96 pixels)
    • xxhdpi (144x144 pixels)
    • xxxhdpi (192x192 pixels)

2. Locate the res Folder

  • In Android Studio, go to the Project view (on the left sidebar).
  • Navigate to the res folder in the directory tree:
  • Inside the res folder, you'll find the following directories:
    • mipmap-mdpi
    • mipmap-hdpi
    • mipmap-xhdpi
    • mipmap-xxhdpi
    • mipmap-xxxhdpi

3. Replace the Current Icons

  • Inside each of these mipmap- folders, you'll find the current app icons (e.g., ic_launcher.png and ic_launcher_round.png).
  • Replace each of these icons with your newly prepared icons. Make sure the icon names match the originals (ic_launcher.png and ic_launcher_round.png).
    • Note: You may have both a default square (ic_launcher.png) and round icon (ic_launcher_round.png). Ensure you replace both, or only one depending on your design.

4. Update the AndroidManifest.xml (if necessary)

  • If you want to customize or verify the icon being used, open the AndroidManifest.xml file located in app/src/main/ and check the following line:

  • Ensure that theĀ android:icon and android:roundIcon attributes reference the correct launcher icons.

5. Generate Icons Using Asset Studio (Optional)

If you don't have different resolutions of the icons, you can use Android Studio's built-in Image Asset Studio to generate them:

  1. Right-click on the res folder in Project view.

  2. Select New > Image Asset.
  3. In the Icon Type dropdown, choose Launcher Icons (Adaptive and Legacy).
  4. Click Path to browse for your high-resolution image (preferably 512x512 pixels).

  5. Customize the appearance and padding, if necessary.
  6. Click Next and Finish. This will automatically generate the necessary icons and place them in the appropriate mipmap- folders.

6. Run the Project

  • After replacing the icons, sync and build the project by clicking Build > Rebuild Project.
  • Run your app to see the new icon applied to the app on the device or emulator.

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