Basic Reskin

Download and install Android Studio

To download and install Android Studio, follow these steps:

1. Download Android Studio

  • Go to the official Android Studio download page.
  • Click on the "Download Android Studio" button. Review and agree to the terms and conditions.
  • The download should begin automatically based on your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

2. Install Android Studio

For Windows:

  1. Open the downloaded .exe file.
  2. Follow the setup wizard to install Android Studio and any necessary SDK components.
  3. Check the option to install the Android Virtual Device (AVD) if you plan to test your apps on an emulator.
  4. Once installed, click Finish to launch Android Studio.

For macOS:

  1. Open the .dmg file.
  2. Drag and drop Android Studio into the Applications folder.
  3. Open Finder, go to the Applications folder, and double-click Android Studio to open it.
  4. Follow the setup wizard to install any additional SDK components.

For Linux:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the file was downloaded.
  2. Unzip the file:
    unzip android-studio-ide-*.zip
  3. Navigate to the android-studio/bin/ directory and run the script:
    cd android-studio/bin./
  4. Follow the setup wizard to install the required SDK components.

3. Set Up Android Studio

  • When Android Studio first starts, it will guide you through the setup process. It will install the latest version of the Android SDK, necessary tools, and a virtual device (emulator).
  • Choose a theme (light or dark) based on your preference.
  • You may also download additional SDK components, emulators, or tools.

4. Verify Installation

  • Once Android Studio is set up, you can start a new project, configure the emulator, or connect a physical device to begin development.

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