Base Laravel Project With AdminLTE and Roles Permissions

Oleh sysafarila
0 8960 0

Cocok untuk membuat ataupun mengembangkan website untuk skripsi, tugas akhir, hingga kebutuhan profesional lainnya

Features :

  • Laravel 8
  • AdminLTE
  • Account control (update photo, name, email, and password)
  • Users control
  • Multi-user
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Blog with CKEditor
  • Server-side datatables
  • Export to csv, excel, pdf, and print
  • CRUD with Bulk Delete
  • API authentication by Sanctum with refresh tokenĀ 
  • Pretty routes with "php artisan route:pretty"
  • Email verification
  • Full support lifetime

Packages :

  • Laravel Sanctum
  • Spatie Roles & Permissions
  • Yajra Datatables
  • Pretty routes
  • AdminLTE
  • Customized CKEditor

API Endpoints :

  • [POST] /api/v1/register
    • Body : name, email, password, password_confirmation
  • [POST] /api/v1/login
    • Body : email, password
  • [GET] /api/v1/user
    • Authentication : Bearer Token
  • [POST] /api/v1/refresh-token
    • Body : refresh_token
  • [POST] /api/v1/logout
    • Authentication : Bearer Token

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Pembaruan 29/01/2024
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