Ads Configuration

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For source code Aliendroid 

All Aliendroid source codes include ads that can be used either offline or online/remotely, using a switch and backup method. To enable remote ads, please upload the provided JSON file from the *.zip package to your personal hosting.

How ad settings work as follows:

  1. Open Config-SettingAds

  2. Description for SettingAds
    Name String
     URL_DATA  Input json Url if use Remote Ads method, ex
     ON_OFF_ADS  "1" mode online / remots ads , "0" mode offline
     SELECT_MAIN_ADS  choose one for Main Ads "ADMOB", "FACEBOOK", "APPLOVIN-D", "APPLOVIN-M", "STARTAPP", "IRON", "ALIEN-M",  and "UNITY"
     SELECT_BACKUP_ADS  choose one for Backup Ads "ADMOB", "FACEBOOK", "APPLOVIN-D", "APPLOVIN-M", "STARTAPP", "IRON", "ALIEN-M",  and "UNITY", or NULL if not use  Backup Ads
     MAIN_ADS_BANNER  Unit ID Banner for Main Ads, input null for StartApp
     MAIN_ADS_INTERTITIAL  Unit ID Insterstitial for Main Ads, input null for StartApp
     MAIN_ADS_REWARDS  Unit ID Rewards for Main Ads, input null for StartApp
     MAIN_ADS_NATIVES  Unit ID Natives for Main Ads, input null for StartApp
     BACKUP_ADS_BANNER  Unit ID Banner for Backup Ads, input null for StartApp
     BACKUP_ADS_INTERTITIAL  Unit ID Insterstitial for Backup Ads, input null for StartApp
     BACKUP_ADS_REWARDS  Unit ID Rewards for Backup Ads, input null for StartApp
     BACKUP_ADS_NATIVES  Unit ID Natives for Backup Ads, input null for StartApp
     APP_OPEN_ADS  Unit ID Open App for Admob or Applovin-M, only for Main Ads
     INITIALIZE_MAIN_SDK  a. Only for StartApp and Unity Ads
     b. StartApp -> input APP ID, ex INITIALIZE_MAIN_SDK ="12345678"
     c. Unity -> input GAME ID, ex INITIALIZE_MAIN_SDK ="12345678"
     INITIALIZE_SDK_BACKUP_ADS  a. Only for StartApp and Unity Ads
     b. StartApp -> input APP ID, ex INITIALIZE_SDK_BACKUP_ADS ="12345678"
     c. Unity -> input GAME ID, ex INITIALIZE_SDK_BACKUP_ADS ="12345678"

  3. Remote Ads
  • Input json url to URL_DATA

  • Input "1" on ON_OFF_ADS to Enable Remot Ads

      4. APP ID for Admob

  • Open Value folder - strings.xml - replace admobappid

      5. API KEY for Applovin

  • Open Value folder - strings.xml - replace sdk_key_applovin

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